Spreading the Knowledge!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Best Advice I Can't Remember

Ok, not that I can't remember it, I just can't remember where I got it from. I can't attribute it to the genius who deserves the praise.

I was reading an article once, about a new writer with a new book deal, and when I got over being petty and jealous--when I stopped thinking about how much better my profile would look in that magazine than hers (too bad she was gorgeous, sigh)--I read what she said.

When asked what the best advice was that she ever got, this new author said she went to a conference and sat next to a high-profile romance author and chatted (lucky!). When they exchanged stories about their busy lives and jobs and kids, seasoned veteran author said something that stuck with the newbie author, and now sticks with me. She said,

"You've got to learn to be in the moment. When you're with your family, be with your family. When you're at work, be at work. And when you're writing, write."

So simple, right? Yet so complex. I'm forever using the time I could be focused on my family thinking about writing and thinking about work. I use my time at work to think about what I should be doing with my family and how many pages I didn't manage to write the night before.

And there it is. Imagine the clarity that comes with concentrating on what's in front of you. Of knowing that when it's time to write, that's all you need to worry about. When you're at work, you think about work and you leave it there at 5 p.m.

So there it is, the best advice I never got to say "thank you' for.

What's the best life advice you ever got?


Bethanne said...

Those are profound words. I need that advice right now--as I sit with a crying baby in my arms, typing as fast as I can just to finish the comment and see to her. LOL

Thanks for the pop out comment window, too! :D

P said...

No no no...thank YOU, dear girl. I would not have known how to fix the stupid comment problem without your suggestion. xoxox!