Spreading the Knowledge!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Five

I've taken a couple LONG months off after a couple LONG months ON. It feels good to be back, but jumping back into a dead blog is a little frightening. And depressing. Demoralizing. Demotivating. Dear goodness...

One amazing writer I get to work with (when I'm actually doing writerly work) introduced some of us to the "friday five" blog post. And here I am.

But where to start? What list hasn't been done? How many times have I prattled off my favorite songs or favorite books? Who really cares about those "strange things you don't know about me" lists? Gah!

I'll start simple. I've been sick with strep throat all week and I've enjoyed the week off (even if my sick day bank isn't liking it so much.) So in honor of this week, I'll start with...

The TOP 5 Things I Like to Do On My Days Off

5. I love driving with my husband to the coffee stand for my Vanilla latte. We drive around the wilderness area in our neighborhood with the toddler and talk about the oddest thing.

4. I enjoy my laundry. No, really, on the days that I'm off I actually enjoy the task. The days I'm pressed for time and energy? The laundry pile can kick rocks. Lotsa rocks.

3. I organize my books. My magazines. My papers. My pens. I make my desk pretty. My computer desktop gets cleaned, too. Neat!

2. I lean against my husband and talk the afternoon away when we're on the couch together. The baby's usually napping, the big one's at school...and it's rarely just us. It's what we need.

1. I take a deep breath and I enjoy my house. My husband. My kids. My life. In the crush of daily life, I can't always do that as much as I'd like. Sometimes strep is a blessing in disguise!

I mentioned this is a group thing, didn't I? Well, here's the group: Gina Ardito, Moira Keith, Bethanne Straesr, and Debora Dennis.

Have a fantastic weekend!

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