Spreading the Knowledge!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Five: Favorite Web sites

Well, let's be honest...I love A LOT of web sites. Spend A LOT of time on them. But here are the ones I can get lost for hours in.

1. Etsy.com: Oh, heavens, how I LOVE this site. My bank account (nor my husband) appreciate it as much as I do.

2. Mixing Bowl: I moonlight a little bit of time doing a food writing now and then and I love searching for any type of recipe under the sun. And some under the moon. And still others that should be hidden under rocks...

3. Pink Owl Reviews: My baby. I am having so much fun moonlighting as a reviewer there it's hard to concentrate on my own stuff. But still. It is so much fun to work in the industry without the personal pressure...or constant rejection. Authors are SO NICE when you're providing some sort of promo help to them. Unlike editors and agents...

4. Savvy Authors: I joined last year and have invested a tiny tiny fortune (because their classes are so inexpensive) in courses and the like. I love the forums. I love the pitch contests. Love it!

5. Twitter: Good lawdy, I waste a lot of time jumping from link to link to link (to link to link to link..). But...it's...soooo..fun! And overwhelming! I'm like a fishy in bowl with too much junk to look at!

Happy Friday, folks...and happy writing!

The other Fab Fivers? Visit 'em here:


Moira said...

Oooh etsy is a new discovery for me. Off to check out some of the other sites you've listed. Well, except twitter. I too get sucked in if I'm not careful.

DawnB said...

I'm going to have to check some of these out. Though, the last thing I need are more excuses to procrastinate.

P said...

You feel my pain, lovelies. SO MUCH FUN. SO LITTLE WRITING DONE!

Gina Ardito said...

Thank *God* I'm a physical shopper. If I can't touch and see and try on first, I don't buy. The only exception to that rule is books.