Spreading the Knowledge!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Five: What Keeps Me Going

It's been a rough week or so...feeling stuck, a little uninspired. Just blah. No motivation, no exciting irons in the fire, no good news to share on a forum FULL of good news from all my writing buddies.

And yet. Here I sit. Why?

Top 5 Reasons to Keep Rowing through the Lean Times

5. I have a ton of student loans telling me this was what I wanted to do five years ago!

4. All the story ideas and creativity would turn to madness if there were no outlet.

3. I suck at knitting! I can't paint! No hope for quilting...self expression is most definitely written!

2. My writing friends. They never give up. Why should I?

1. Consider the alternative: my day job really kinda sucks. Take away the "what if" factor and the daily commute gets that much more depressing!

Happy writing!!!

This week's other Friday Five players: Bethanne, Silke, Debora, Moira, and Dawn!


Gina Ardito said...

That's the sign of a true writer. You write when everything in your life flat out sux. And you keep writing. Eventually, the pendulum swings back your way.
Hang in there! Cyber hugs and chocolate!

Unknown said...

Yup, writing isn't al feather boas and chocolate bon bons. Hang in there kiddo - I truly believe in never giving up! :)

Moira said...

ooh Deb said feather boas...

Okay, you're FF is so totally true. We write because it is like the air we breathe. Without it the writer would suffocate and die. One of those slow painful deaths. You know the ones that seem to steal the show with their long drown out death rattle? Yeah that one.

Live the dream and keep plugging away girl. We all have faith in you!

Dawn Brown said...

I agree with Moira on this one. Hang in there. Good news is coming.